Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dear Group Members,

Please kindly add in our group reflections for the week on the progress and flow of our APBL.

Thank you,
blogmaster Ainul


  1. I think my group is progreesing very well.We know how to manage time.As for APBL,we could get a lot of information an the internet and from books.


  2. I realised that my group gets a lot of information from the books and computers.I hope we will get along better.=)

  3. I think my group have been progressing better as we know how to manage the job better.My group have collected alot of information from the books in the library and the laptops.I would say that we can work well now.

  4. We did not present for five minutes!I hope we can get more information for our content.Hope we will do better.=>
    Anyway,my team is progressing very well and we can get along with each other already.
